Main Page should be the most important page for your Knowledgebase or Wiki as the Main page acts as a central repository of all your information.
Now customise the Main page to create a powerful Kb/Wiki as you wish using the Main page settings. You can find it in Dashboard -> Helpdesk -> Helpie settings.
Let’s look at some of the customisations possible in the Main page. Before that, do you know that you can create your own page using Elementor page builder? Yes, Helpie works perfectly with Elementor. Why don’t you dive into it where you can reorder your topics, create an FAQ list, create your own style and tons of powerful customisation is possible.
Don’t worry. These docs will perfectly guide you through it:,,,
Now coming back to the Main page settings in Helpie settings, let’s look at some of the Main features:
This option lets you choose the template for the Main page of your Kb/Wiki. You can choose from left-sidebar, right-sidebar, both-side-sidebars, no-sidebar and full width sidebar.
Select which registered sidebar you want to appear in these positions. You can choose either our helpie sidebar or other registered sidebars of WordPress. Sidebar1 is for the single sidebar. Sidebar2 is for the 2nd sidebar when the template has two sidebars.
Where do you want your main page:
By default, you can set our custom post type archive as your main page or you can select your own page also.
Main Page Slug / Helpdesk Slug
By default, the Helpdesk slug is ‘pauple_helpie’. But you can change it to any unique string you want. If you set this value to say ‘help’. Then your Helpdesk / Knowledgebase will be located at
Show Stats
If you want the total Number of articles, topics and the total number of contributors to be displayed on your main page you can enable this option. This might give your readers an overview of your Knowledgebase/wiki. It will appear just below the welcome area of your Main Page.
Main Page Template
The main page template lets you from 3 different layout types for your Kb main page.
1. Boxed:
In this type, Only the main category title will be shown on the Main Page. You can also add Images to main category title from Dashboard -> Helpdesk -> Helpdesk Category.
2. Boxed1:
In this type, both the main category title and the articles name will be shown on the Main Page. You can also add Images to main category title from Dashboard -> Helpdesk -> Helpdesk Category.
3. Modern:
In this type, the main category title and the sub-categories will also be shown. Sub-categories are categories which are assigned to a certain Parent Helpdesk Category. You can also add a description for the main category title if you want. You can add Images to main category title from Dashboard -> Helpdesk -> Helpdesk Category. You can also add any of the 675 icons provided from font Awesome from the helpdesk category.
Number of columns
This option let you choose the number of columns of the main page categories listing. This option does not apply to the Modern template.
Number of articles under each category
You can choose how many articles to shown under each category in your Kb/Wiki main page. The number of articles will be seen only in the Boxed1 template.
Main Page Categories
Search Display
The search display can be hidden from the main page using this check box.
Main Page – Categories
The categories can be hidden from the main page using this check box.